Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What's Needed Now More Than Ever

Sometimes circumstances converge in such a way that it is clear that God is teaching me something. This week has been one of those moments for me.

I am getting ready to go to the Middle East in late October. In preparation, I am reading several books on Islam and the Arab world. It is fascinating reading. I'm learning things that I simply didn't know before and am working hard to see the world through Arab eyes. As I have studied, it has become apparent to me that over the last 1400 years the Church has tried numerous ways to reach Muslims with the gospel with little success. Great theologians have met and debated ideas like the Trinity, the atonement, the incarnation, the nature of man, etc. Each side has claimed "victory" in the debates, but neither has won the other side over to their way of thinking. Humanly speaking, it seems hopeless.

In the midst of this studying, Harry and Jane Landaw, C&MA missionaries to Japan, arrived for our Fall Missions Conference. The stories that they have shared have moved us to laughter and tears and have focused us on the task of reaching out to others. Perhaps one of the most eye-opening moments for me was a video that they showed. Produced by a Japanese group interested in helping Americans understand their culture, the video focused on the religious traditions of Japan. It became apparent during the video that the Shintoism and idolatry of the culture keeps people from turning to Christ. Gospel tracts and "friendship evangelism" seemed about as powerful as a peashooter in the face of such a secure cultural fortress.

In looking at both of these situations, it became crystal clear that some new evangelism or church planting technique simply was not the answer. Frankly, over the years human creativity and ingenuity has been tried and failed. Our fancy theological presentations simply have not cut it. A new evangelism approach isn't the solution. Those who think it is either haven't studied their history or have an over-inflated ego.

The need of the hour is not a new technique, but a new kind of missionary. We still need people to wear holes in the soles of their shoes taking the gospel to these difficult places. But the greater need at the moment is for people to wear holes in the knees of their pants praying for these difficult places. It is a spiritual battle that needs to be waged by an army of humble, committed soldiers who know that the weapons of their warfare are powerful and absolutely essential in the Kingdom of God right now.

This new type of missionary will never be listed in Alliance Life, will never carry a flag at Council's "Parade of Nations", will never tour churches talking about their ministry. Those things aren't important to them. They don't feel slighted or left out. Those things aren't even on their radar screen.

Their concern is pouring themselves out in intercession on behalf of those that do not know Him. They are praying for people that they have never met and places that they have never been. They know the heart of God for there to be throngs of people from every people group around the throne. They are burdened for the unrepresented and under-represented people groups. And so they pray unceasingly, wearing themselves out in intercession for these people so loved by God.

This new breed of missionary will never receive the accolades of men here on earth. They are okay with that. They know that one day they will be surrounded by the people for whom they have spent their lives praying. On that day, they will receive thanks and thunderous applause will echo through the throne room. On that day they will hear those precious words, "Well done, good and faithful servant." On that day they will humbly and somewhat awkwardly respond, "Lord, you, you alone, are worthy to receive glory and honor and praise."

A new type of missionary is being called and equipped today. Are you ready dig in and fight the battle that needs to be fought?

Say yes.

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